Abandonment happens when a user almost completes an action on the web pages but actually never finishes the process. There are several types of abandonment:
- shopping cart abandonment: users add products or services to the cart but never make the purchase
- booking abandonment: users fill in details of their booking but never make the purchase
- form abandonment: users fill in the form but never submit it
- browse abandonment: users search for specific services or products on the website but never add anything to their cart
Tips to Lower Abandonment Rates
Most of the time, it is not the fault of a brand. Some users just like to browse. However, sometimes websites need a bit of optimization to lower their abandonment rates, for example:
Add more payment options: Many customers have only one payment option that they trust and they are likely to leave the website if they do not see it.
Provide shipping details: Users want to know what service they will be using, how much it will cost, and when they will receive the package.
Optimize forms: Forms should require only the most essential information, enable shortcuts, and have an information box for tricky questions.
Send abandonment emails: Oftentimes users just need a bit more reassurance about the brand. Send them useful information about products and services, FAQ, or a coupon.