Alt Tag

An alt tag is an alternative text for images so that search engines and people with visual impairment can understand what is on the picture.

Web crawlers and screen readers can not actually see and interpret the pictures, that is why an alt tag is used. Sometimes users also do not load pages with images if they have limited internet access and use alt tags as well. So alternative text is important for both SEO and accessibility. 

In order to make a good alt text, you should consider the following tips:

Create a Short and Specific Description

Imagine that you have to explain this image in 3 seconds or less. This explanation is unlikely to have a background story of the picture and assumptions about people on it. It will be just an objective description of what there is. 

Do Not Start With “Picture Of”

Or the “image of”. Or “here you can see”. Web crawlers and screen readers understand that it is an alt text, there is no need to specify that it is an image.

Use Keywords Wisely

It is okay to use a keyword or two when there is a keyword on the picture. However, never use alt tags for keyword stuffing – you are likely to get lower rankings. 

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