
Kubernetes stands for a portable, open-source extensible platform, targeted at managing the containerized workloads and services, that can be adapted to both declarative configuration and automation. In affiliate marketing, Kubernetes are mostly used for the deployment of various dynamic creative platforms, launching and connecting the apps into a single system.

Additionally, Kubernetes can be in charge of scaling and resolving the system errors in apps, providing different deployment templates, task management, load distribution, logging and tracking, etc. For instance, they can easily control the canary deployment of your system.

Along with this, you should keep in mind that Kubernetes is not a monolithic solution, and all the features included can be customized to the business needs: it provides the specific components for the developers to build a well-structured platform, but still retains the user preferences and flexibility when needed.

The main features of using Kubernetes can be listed as follows:

  • Services monitoring and load-balanced distributing. With DNS configurations or its own IP, the Kubernetes can easily detect the containers, balance the load between them and distribute the network traffic for ensuring their stability.
  • Storage organization. Use the platform for launching a storage system of your choice: local storage, public cloud storage, and others. 
  • Deployment and roll back automation. Program your containers for any changes you need: creating the new containers and deleting the existing ones, the load redistribution, etc. 
  • Monitoring and control. Kubernetes can reboot the containers that have lost the signal and turn off those that do not function due to the needed requirements and show up only those ready for service. 
  • Automate load distribution. The supplied cluster with commands can be used by the Kubernetes to start the container tasks. You can also customize the amount of CPU and RAM resources allowed for each container.

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