
AdSense is a simple advertising model in which publishers get paid for displaying ads next to their online content. AdSense shows ads that are engaging and relevant to your website visitors and customizes the ads to match the look of your website. Therefore, the ads displayed on a website depend on the website’s content and audience.

Advertisers looking to promote their brand or brand products create these ads and pay for them, and publishers get a large share of it based on the number of clicks the ads get. Different prices are paid for various ads, so the amount that publishers vary based on the ads.

Types of AdSense Ads

Different types of ads can be displayed on a website, including:

  • Text ads: uses words, as a Link Unit or Ad Unit, and comes in different sizes. The text, link, and box color can all be customized.
  • Image ads: graphic ads with varying sizes. You have the option to mix both text ads and image ads.
  • Rich Media: interactive ads that include video, flash, and HTML.
  • AdSense for Search: the website has a google search box, and when users search for a keyword, the result page is shown with AdSense ads.

Increase your website profit by +100% with AdSpyglass

Over 9’000 websites are already enjoying the benefits of the AdSpyglass Mediation system. Curious to try?

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Register at AdSpyglass to get started.


Link your Ad Networks, import your ad feeds and get AdSpyglass code for your website.

Earn more

See how Ad Networks compete with each other for every single ad impression and sell your traffic at the highest rate.

Just check list and subscribe

See the full list of our partner networks with auto-import support: 

  • tshop
  • tubecorporate
  • buymedia
  • ero
  • juicy
  • mobiteasy
  • adnium
  • hilltopads
  • trafficforce
  • propellerads
  • exo
  • trafficstars
  • clickaine
  • traffichunt
  • popads
  • popmyads
  • royalads
  • popcash
  • trafficstars