Bounce rate is a percentage of users who visited the page but have not performed any actions on it. Simply put, it is about people who did not convert (followed the link, left contact information, downloaded).
Bounce rate can be calculated by dividing the one-page sessions by overall website visits. You can find an already calculated bounce rate in Google Analytics: go to Behavior – Site content – All pages. You can also see the rate for every page on the website.
Bounce rate matters for your SEO. Many search engines rank lower websites or pages with a high bounce rate. The average bounce rate is 40-50%.
However, bounce rate is also an extremely important metric for you. It shows which pages are not as engaging and may need content and linking improvements. If you manage to lower the bounce rate, it means more conversions.
In order to reduce the bounce rate, you can:
- Analyze badly-performing web pages and understand what is wrong with them
- Improve user experience through better design, structure, higher loading speed
- Invest effort into responsive design
- Test different tips and techniques
- Make sure to add appealing visuals
- Create better content, work on interactivity
- Avoid disruptive ads
- Avoid dead-end pages