
DuckDuckGo is a search engine that has several specific features related to the privacy of an individual user.

Since its inception in 2008, the search engine DuckDuckGo has gone against the model of such systems as Bing, Yahoo! and others, and refused to use personalized search results, and collect information about the client as such. In addition, when processing a query, the search engine uses more than 400 sources, focusing on the quality of the returned results and not on their quantity.

DuckDuckGo gained popularity and respect in the Internet community precisely for refusing to use the filter bubble system. That is, the search engine does not show the user the information that it considers necessary, but the one that the client has requested. This concept allows the user to break out of the information trap that other search engines create and gain access to all the information that is in the system. In addition, the company is engaged in self-filling servers with the necessary information.

Unsurprisingly, such a product was warmly received by the public, and by January 2021, DuckDuckGo had surpassed 100 million searches per day.

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