Golang, or Go, is a programming language that was found in 2009 by Google. Go supports type security, dynamic data entry, and includes a rich standard feature library and built-in data types such as dynamic-sized arrays and associative arrays.
With multithreading mechanisms, Go simplifies the distribution of computing and networking, and modern data types open up a world of flexible and modular code to the programmer. The program is compiled really quickly, there is also a garbage collector and reflection supported as well.
The simple structure of Go makes it competitive enough compared to the Java programming language. The main features why developers start working with Golang are:
- Language’s simplicity. It’s quite easy to learn from scratch and even understand someone’s code for experienced programmers.
- Speedy interface. It performs way faster than PHP, Python, or Ruby.
- Featured tooling. Various sorts of frameworks allow you to write and test the codes, generate coverage reports and perform the static analysis as well. Different formatting tools presented here are a real game-changer: it saves tons of time for the real coding instead of formatting the issues that arise.
However, one of the main reasons why developers prefer Golang is that it doesn’t slow down the process of code writing. And a variety of open-source libraries and SDKs for popular cloud providers makes it a perfect programming environment.