An interstitial ad is an interactive, full-screen ad covering the site’s whole interface or app hosting them. These ads are shown in-between the website or app content and are often placed at breaks or natural transition points such as the end of a game level. The fact that it covers the whole medium differentiates interstitial ads from other types of ads, such as banner ads or pop-up ads.
Different media types can be used in interstitial ads, including video, image, text, or rich media ads. The users get to navigate past the ad by closing the ad to continue their activity or clicking on the ad to go to its destination.
Interstitial ads have a close option, but the timing of this option depends on the ad type used. For non-video ads, the close option comes with the ad. However, users may have to wait up to 5 seconds before the close option appears for interstitial video ads.