
Prebid.js. is an open-source, header bidding platform for the web. Prebid.js is the WordPress analog for header bidding. It includes more than 150 demand sources and 15 analytics adapters. They are used for supporting currency conversion, common ID systems, and multiple ad servers. was created in 2017 to give publishers a single platform for managing several SSPs. Generally, an SSP possessed a code and setup that caused a difficult and time-consuming launch process. Prebid.js allows the launch process to be more straightforward as it isn’t decelerated by much code on a publisher’s page. 

The advantages of using the Prebid.js wrapper include the faster running of header bidding auctions. It results in a better user experience since the necessity of in-demand partner response time is significantly less. Moreover, the technology is mobile-friendly that increases the number of potential users due to display, native, and video ad types availability.

Using Prebid.js, it’s possible for publishers to considerably increase the profit. The owner will see a clear analysis of partners’ performance to terminate collaboration and exclude from the wrapper the ones having low-performance results. The vibrant community of experts who are dedicated to their occupation and work on the product enhancement and support users.

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See the full list of our partner networks with auto-import support: 

  • tshop
  • tubecorporate
  • buymedia
  • ero
  • juicy
  • mobiteasy
  • adnium
  • hilltopads
  • trafficforce
  • propellerads
  • exo
  • trafficstars
  • clickaine
  • traffichunt
  • popads
  • popmyads
  • royalads
  • popcash
  • trafficstars