A tracking platform is a type of platform designed to provide its users with extensive data about their activities, workflows, and time management. It is especially helpful when it comes to boosting productivity and avoiding working backlogs.
Apart from that, tracking software can be used in marketing in order to monitor leads, calls, sales conversion, and other pre-selected parameters. Employment of tracking platforms helps marketers to further monetize their advertising campaigns by choosing the best suited converting traffic, systematize the control by the application of different operating systems, create landing pages, monitor each user who makes a purchase. Furthermore, it can serve as an indicator of either success or failure of a particular business objective demonstrating whether an ad makes a contribution to the overall campaign. The interface supplied with a multitude of structure graphs, statistics, tables, and diagrams makes it easier to visualize and analyze productivity flows.
The user of a tracking platform may be interested in both general aspects of behavior and specific information. The major task of tracking programs is to gather user profiles in order to determine the most suitable ads for them. This kind of data can be effectively sold and monetized. Tracking software (trackers, trackware) carry out this process illegally, while corporations like Google and Facebook perform the same action on legal grounds.