Visibility is a term that describes how often your site appears on the Internet within the organic search result. This metric is often used in Position Tracking campaigns to gauge trends in website visibility. This is done in order to get targeted keywords in campaigns that are being tracked in a specific campaign.
Visibility is a metric that is based on the average ranking of a domain’s ranking pages. This metric also represents the percentage of the chance that a user on the Internet who searches for all keywords from your Google project will end up clicking on that domain’s result for each keyword.
As the ranking pages go down farther and farther from the top of the Google rankings, your visibility score will diminish more and more. If your visibility rate is 100%, this means that your site is ranked first in the Google rankings for all keywords in the project.
Visibility is a very good metric in the SEO industry, because the more visibility you have, the more chances you have of attracting new users and possibly potential customers to your website. This is why visibility in Position Tracking is one of the best metrics to measure the success of SEO or PPC campaigns.