Find the right traffic
for your ads

Adspyglass presents a new product — Demand Side Platform to launch and manage direct Popunder and Popup ad campaigns

Popunders & Popups

Ad formats have become rather popular over the last years for attracting leads and new visitors


Pop-up ads appear above your browser window and are comparatively much visible and have higher rates of click rates.


Pop-Under Ads appear behind the current browsing screen. It is visible only when a user tries to close their browsing screen.


Tab-up ads appear in the same browser window, but a new tab.


Tab-Under Ads appear behind the current tab in the same browser window. It is visible only when a user tries to close the current tab.


5 key features

Choose GEOs and Keywords

Set your advertising campaign Geo locations and keywords. This feature will help you attract the ONLY audience that is relevant to this ad campaign.
Moreover, our platform provides you supplements to choose carriers, and IP ranges to narrow down your target audience.

Choose General content topic or Lists of Spots

If you don't want to dive into the details, you could choose the general content topic.
Do you want to manage your list of Ad spots? It is easy! You can add a block or white list to reject or allow advertising on specific Ad placements on the preferable websites.

Multi-device campaign with filtering option

We suggest testing multiple devices, browsers, and operating systems. Choose the best performing one for each particular Ad Campaign.

Advanced features for budget management

You could set up the budget for each Campaign:
– Total Budget per month
– Per Day
– Per hour
– Per creative

Multiple Creatives
A/B testing

Add as many creatives as you want to Ad Campaign. The advanced statistic will help you to choose the Advertisement your audience likes the best.

You will have access to the unique inventory

Direct Webmasters
Unique Websites
Popunder Daily
Push Impressions
per Day
Tube sites
File shares
Video hostings
Adult sites
URL shorteners

Payment Methods

We have no minimum payment
Adspyglass does not cover payment transfer commission
fee 5% + $2
no fee
fee 0%
Credit card
fee $1
fee 0%

How to become
our demand partner?

Create an account
Sign up and create ad campaigns and creatives.
Top up your balance
Use one of the proposed payment systems. After payment confirmation, this money will be automatically transferred to your account.
Approve creatives
Send to review your creatives. After checking it by our managers, we run your ad.
Receive traffic!
If you have any questions, our team will always be happy to help you.
Create an account